Leather Shoes versus Vegan Alternatives: What is Best

Leather Shoes VS Vegan Alternatives: What You Need to Know

Nothing makes me cringe like hearing the words “vegan leather” and “sustainability” in the same sentence. We are living in times were buzzwords reign supreme and greenwashing is omnipresent. For the last three years, I, as a fashion journalist, have been on a crusade to remind people that words have meanings and cannot be used lightly. The situation has become so absurd, that it is borderline farcical. The labels trying to catch the vegan and sustainability wave are all over the place. I am here to set the record straight once again. Vegan leather isn’t what it claims to be. It is basically plastic, and until proven otherwise, nothing beats real leather … especially when it comes to shoes!

  1. Breathability
    It is not even mid-day and your feet are sweaty at best and itchy at worst. In that very moment, some may regret their choice of footwear, and they would be right. Opting for a pair of shoes that are made out of synthetic material, mainly polyethylene or PVC, cannot be seen as the proper decision. They are not breathable by design. In other terms, they don’t allow air to flow, thus trapping heat and moisture on your feet. The same reasoning applies to vegan leather. Vegan footwear can be either manufactured from synthetic polymers, aka pleather, or agricultural waste, aka plant-based leather. However, plastic is a major component in both varieties. Mushroom, apple, pineapple, and cactus leather are backed with a sturdier material, polyester unless the manufacturer proves otherwise, to be able to be moulded into a shape. So, instead of enduring a great deal of discomfort for no reward whatsoever, choose leather. It is naturally breathable. It’s skin after all!
    Leather Shoes versus Vegan Alternatives: What is Best
  2. Durability
    Here is a personal story for you. Three years ago, I bought a slide that turned out to be a size too small. Since I was too lazy to return it, I stored it away. Last week, I went through my closet to donate some items, said slide included. I opened the shoe box, and my eyes laid on a sorry sight. The slipper has shed its skin and peeled off. It was in a dire state despite being properly stored.
    Leather Shoes versus Vegan Alternatives: What is Best
    Leather would have never deteriorated even when confronted to the elements. For instance, the oldest known leather shoe was discovered in 2008. At 5500 years old, the “Areni-1” pre-dates the Pyramid of Giza by a millennium! The moral of the story: save money and buy a leather pair of shoes. It is a worthy investment that would last you a lifetime!

  3. Sustainability
    “Lifetime, that is so not sustainable”. For those who may think so, I see you coming. You seem to forget that the generation of non-biodegradable waste on a regular basis isn’t exactly environmentally friendly. Greenwashing has been plaguing the fashion industry, and the leather debate is no different. Leather is a by-product of the meat and dairy industry (check out Rana Cheikha's blog: How is Leather Made? for an overview). This means that no animal is being slaughtered for the sake of using its hide.
    Leather Shoes versus Vegan Alternatives: What is Best
    Moreover, several international agreements, like CITES, govern the harvesting of exotic leather. Whereas, vegan leather is an industrial product manufactured from scratch with an adverse environmental impact. Even though plant-based vegan leather is less dangerous than its petrochemical variant, let us not deceive ourselves. Therefore, vegan leather shoes are not as sustainable as, and definitely not more sustainable then, leather footwear.

Until science comes up with an all rounded and credible alternative, animal-based leather remains the best option. It is the best material for everything from furniture to fashion, obviously shoes included. Leather comes in different types and finishes. Rana Cheikha mostly uses calfskin leather in a hand-picked colour palette (check out the collection here!). These leathers are as soft as butter. Believe me, you will wear these pairs all day in complete comfort and style.

Leather Shoes versus Vegan Alternatives: What is Best

If you have further questions regarding the used leather, you can reach out to Rana directly. If you want to know more about the real VS vegan leather debate, I invite you to check @isitleather on Instagram. It is a collective of leather industry professionals whose goal is to educate you on the topic.

Signing-off: Christelle from The Way It’s Worn
(And what’s TWIW? It’s about: “Shaping a fairer Lebanese fashion industry by connecting the dots between wearers, pieces, artisans and designer”.)

Check out TWIW on instagram The Way It’s Worn 
& on the website thewayitisworn.com/

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